Tobias Wright

I like to build stuff for the internet

How to: How to set a custom font with tailwind

With tailwind it’s pretty easy to set the size of type, but the tailwind default font defaults to the generic serif and sans fonts. In tailwind you can set up for example, google font, through the config. There is also a way to do it inline.

First import the font in the head as usual.

Next, where you need to font to appear you can use a snippet like the one below. Change the font name to the one you imported.

With this import, I’m importing the Banger font and comic Neue, the fonts I use on this site. Not that for fonts two or more words, you’ll need to add replace the space with an underscore

    <h1 class="font-['Bangers'] text-4xl">This is my text!</h1>
    <h2 class="font-['Comic_Neue'] text-1xl">I'm text too!</h2>

Which will generate this:

This is my text!

I'm text too!